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Temperature Control During Sintering of Alumina Ceramics

Temperature Control During Sintering of Alumina Ceramics

The temperature difference and time of the high-temperature firing treatment after the alumina ceramic blank is formed have a great influence on the finished product. Therefore, the alumina ceramic ceramics have stricter requirements on the firing temperature in terms of performance and quality. To accurately control the sintering temperature, then we should take corresponding measures.

Different alumina ceramics have different sintering temperature requirements, and the sintering temperature is actually related to the content of alumina. Theoretically, the higher the alumina content, the higher the sintering temperature. In fact, this statement is not completely absolute. It is also necessary to observe the composition and proportion of ceramic materials. Generally, when we manufacture and produce alumina ceramics, we need to consider various aspects and try to keep them at the sintering temperature as much as possible. It is reduced on the top and guaranteed to reduce the effect of consumables.

We can start with alumina additives and appropriately add solid solution solvents to alumina ceramics, but many friends do not understand the purpose of this. This can make the cooling effect more obvious, but there will also be many The disadvantage is that if it is not liquid-phase sintered, it will be very difficult to fill the pores of the crystal.


Pintejin machining ceramic service include : Alumina Ceramic PartsZirconia CeramicSilicon Carbide CeramicCNC Machined Aluminum Nitride CeramicMachinable Ceramic PartsGlass Ceramic,Macor Ceramic,Powder Metallurgy Dies,Ceramic Injection Molding,Ceramic Dry Pressing,Ceramic Extrusion Dies

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