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Introduction to the grinding method of zirconia ceramics

Introduction to the grinding method of zirconia ceramics

Zirconia ceramic performance: Pure ZrO2 is white, yellow or gray when it contains impurities, and generally contains HfO2. It is not easy to separate. Next, Pintejin Ceramics will introduce the grinding method of zirconia ceramics.


The flatness of zirconia ceramics that can be directly fired is very good, so many post-film integrated circuits, refrigerators and ozone generators are processed by zirconia ceramics, which can be said to be made of this ceramic material. The product has advantages over other materials.


The most common knives in daily life are the knives made of zirconia ceramics. They are not only stronger, they will not rust after a period of use, but more importantly, they will not react with food, making them stronger than other knives. Types of knives are more popular.


The grinding method of zirconia ceramics


1. Dry grinding of zirconia ceramics

Sandpaper is used for grinding, which is suitable for grinding hard and brittle paints. The disadvantage of this kind of grinding of zirconia ceramic materials is that a lot of dust will be generated during the operation, which will affect environmental hygiene.


2. Wet grinding of zirconia ceramics

Sand with water sandpaper dipped in water or soapy water. Water grinding can reduce wear marks, improve the smoothness of the coating, and save sandpaper and labor.


However, after water grinding, you should pay attention to spraying the lower layer of paint. First, you should wait for the water-grinding layer to dry completely before applying the lower layer of paint. Otherwise, the paint layer will easily turn white, and the substrate with strong water absorption is not suitable for water-grinding.


3. Mechanical grinding of zirconia ceramics

When constructing zirconia ceramics on a large area, in order to improve work efficiency, mechanical grinding methods, such as electric grinders (disc type, vibration type), can be used.


The above is the grinding method of zirconia ceramics brought to you by Pintejin Ceramics. Pintejin Ceramics is a manufacturer specializing in the production and machining of ceramics, focusing on the machining of alumina ceramic parts and zirconia ceramics, and can process ceramic products according to your needs.



Pintejin machining ceramic service include : Alumina Ceramic PartsZirconia CeramicSilicon Carbide CeramicCNC Machined Aluminum Nitride CeramicMachinable Ceramic PartsGlass Ceramic,Macor Ceramic,Powder Metallurgy Dies,Ceramic Injection Molding,Ceramic Dry Pressing,Ceramic Extrusion Dies

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