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Are machinable ceramics resistant to high temperatures?

Are machinable ceramics resistant to high temperatures?

machinable ceramics refers to ceramic materials that can be machined with traditional machining methods and maintain a certain precision. Are machinable ceramics resistant to high temperature? Next, Pintejin Ceramics will introduce to you.

Machinable ceramics are high temperature resistant insulating materials and corrosion resistant electrical insulating materials that can be widely used in ultra-low temperature fields. Its use range is between -270°C and 800°C.

Since the mica crystal in the machinable ceramic has a certain elasticity, it can prevent the extension of micro-cracks, so it has good thermal shock resistance. .

Are machinable ceramics resistant to high temperatures

Machinable ceramics can meet high-precision technical requirements due to various excellent comprehensive properties, without the need for mold design and production, which greatly shortens the development cycle, accelerates engineering progress, and saves development costs.

Therefore, it is deeply welcomed by the majority of scientific research, teaching and design departments. It is especially suitable for extensive use in automobiles, military industry, aerospace, precision instruments, medical equipment, electric vacuum devices, electron beam exposure machines, textile machinery, sensors, mass spectrometers and energy spectrometers.

For some thin-walled coil bobbins, insulating brackets for precision instruments, and devices with complex shapes and high precision requirements, machinable ceramics are more suitable, which can be processed into any shape.

It has higher strength than boron nitride, lower outgassing rate, temperature resistance than PTFE, no deformation, no deterioration, durability, better workability than alumina porcelain, short production cycle, high pass rate, designers Products of any desired size can be produced.

The above is whether the machinable ceramics brought by Pintejin Ceramics can withstand high temperature. Pintejin Ceramics is a manufacturer specializing in the production and machining of ceramics, focusing on the machining of alumina ceramic parts and zirconia ceramics, and can process ceramic products according to your needs.



Pintejin machining ceramic service include : Alumina Ceramic PartsZirconia CeramicSilicon Carbide CeramicCNC Machined Aluminum Nitride CeramicMachinable Ceramic PartsGlass Ceramic,Macor Ceramic,Powder Metallurgy Dies,Ceramic Injection Molding,Ceramic Dry Pressing,Ceramic Extrusion Dies

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