If you are looking for a Aluminum Nitride, , & Silicon Nitride & Machinable Ceramics product customized and mold making services in China, please feel free to contact Pintejin ceramic machining Team.Get Instant Quote:[email protected] .

What are the properties that alumina ceramics will improve after machining?

What are the properties that alumina ceramics will improve after machining?

Alumina ceramics have excellent insulation, low high-frequency loss but good high-frequency insulation, so what are the properties that alumina ceramics will improve after machining? Next, Pintejin ceramics will introduce to you.

1. Improve hardness

The Rockwell hardness is up to the standard. Taking the processed wear-resistant ceramic patch as an example, its hardness is second only to that of diamond. It was found after many experimental verifications by alumina ceramic manufacturers.

Physically speaking, after the alumina wear-resistant ceramic patch is processed, its hardness far exceeds the wear resistance of stainless steel and wear-resistant steel. It can be seen that its hardness is significantly improved after machining.

2. The wear resistance reaches the standard

Alumina ceramic machining manufacturers have also passed professional testing techniques and found that its wear resistance is better than that of manganese steel and better than that of high-chromium cast iron after its wear resistance test. According to the follow-up survey of most customers .

Under the same working conditions, the service time of the equipment can be extended many times, especially for the equipment with large “daily friction”, the machining of alumina ceramics helps a lot to improve the service time of the equipment.

3. Reduce weight

The density of alumina ceramics changes to a certain extent after machining. Physically speaking, the density of advanced alumina ceramics after machining is only about half of that of steel.

Especially in recent years, in the field of machining equipment production, it is required to be miniature and compact, and to reduce the floor space, so the alumina ceramics can greatly reduce the load of the equipment after machining.

The above is the performance of alumina ceramics that Pintejin Ceramics brings to you after machining. Pintejin Ceramics is a manufacturer specializing in the production and machining of ceramics, focusing on the machining of alumina ceramic parts and zirconia ceramics, and can process ceramic products according to your needs. .


Pintejin machining ceramic service include : Alumina Ceramic PartsZirconia CeramicSilicon Carbide CeramicCNC Machined Aluminum Nitride CeramicMachinable Ceramic PartsGlass Ceramic,Macor Ceramic,Powder Metallurgy Dies,Ceramic Injection Molding,Ceramic Dry Pressing,Ceramic Extrusion Dies

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